The Dyer Developments Group is an Essex based property company that produces residential homes and commercial buildings of high quality throughout England. We are a forward thinking business with sustainability at the forefront of our business ideas.
Dyer Developments Limited buys sites without planning permission through subject to planning, promotion or option agreement deals. We promote all sites through the planning process using our experienced and highly skilled planning team. We also buy sites with planning permission and undertake joint venture partnerships if the deal fits our model.
Dyer Mackay Developments Limited was formed in 2012 and is our construction arm. Dyer Mackay Developments oversee the build of sites owned either by Dyer Developments Ltd, in a joint venture or by Julia Mackay Properties -
Our group ethos is to create developments of supreme quality that are a pleasure to live in that contribute to the local area and are as environmentally friendly as possible striving for carbon neutral homes.